Manganore Iron Ore Division is situated on the Postmasburg - Kalahari ore belt, in close proximity to the R325 between Postmasburg and Kathu.
The mining right area’s are situated adjacent to the Sedibeng (Tata) Mine, the Iron Ore Division is currently in operation and was established in May 2017.
Current Resource: 18 Million tons Current Production: 45,000 tons per month Grade / Quality: Fe 62%
Export logistics is via Transnet’s Sishen – Saldanha iron ore channel 104,000 tons was supplied in the first year of operation commencing on the 1st February 2018 and the mine has grown this to 600,000 tons per annum over the first 48 months of production. New Jig Plant came on-line at the end of January 2018 and a new Crushing and Screening Plant came on-line at the end of March 2018.
Southern Ambition
Southern Ambition Mine is our flagship opencast mine with approximately a one million ton run of mine (RoM) ore resource.
Current Resource: 1 Million tons Current Production: 30,000 tons per month Grade / Quality: Mn 36.5%
Southern Ambition Mine is an opencast mine with a single, 14 hectares mining pit, which is located on a small portion 50-hectare portion of the total 1 000 -hectare mining right area. The remaining unused portion of the mining right area is used for cattle and game farming by a local farmer. The mine acquired the land portion on which the pit is located. The mine utilizes a dry crushing and screening plant system, which reduces water usage at the plant, to produce lumpy and fine particle manganese products.
Royal Tungsten Holdings (Bongani Minerals)
The Royal Tungsten Reviera deposit is dome shaped with economic mineralization starting at 54 m below surface and extending to 240m in depth. The deposit has a dip down on the edges of the dome with the dip at the northern end of 45° and 18° on the southern portion of the dome.
The Riviera W-Mo deposit may be genetically classified as magmatic-hydrothermal with polymetallic mineralization closely associated with potassic alteration and reduced endo-granitic skarn.
Current Resource: 47.199 Million tons Current Production: Mining Right Application in progress Grade / Quality: Tungsten Concentrate
The mining right application and environmental authorization is currently in progress and this strategic resource is situated in the Western Cape near to required logistics and port services.
Manganore Manganese (MM)
Manganore Mine in situated on the Postmasburg – Kalahari mega - manganese ore belt, near Lohatlha in the Northern Cape.
Current Resource: 1.2 Million tons Current Production: 15,000 tons per month Grade / Quality: Mn 28.0 – 32% (Si02)
Export logistics is via Transnet’s Container loading facility in Lohatlha and Bloemfontien – Port Elizabeth manganese ore channel 180,000 tons per annum being supplied and shipped.
Makganyene Resources
Iron Ore
Situated on the Postmasburg ore belt, located 10km toward the north of Kolomela Mine (Kumba) and about 20 km toward the north of Postmasburg in the Northern Cape.
The prospecting right area’s are situated on the fringes and adjacent to some of the major export iron ore mines (Kolomela and Beeshoek). Makganyene Resources has the following prospecting licenses: Farm Makganyene (Remainder and Portions) 667 Current Resource: Exploration Targeted Production: Exploration
Target Resource (SAMRAC): Iron Ore (Fe) – 20 Million Tons
Hlamara Diatomite
Situated in the Northern Cape, the Hlamara Diatomite Bulk Sampling and Prospecting Right covers six farms amounting to an area of 15 602.0765 hectares:
Botha No 313 Devon No 277 Bermolli No 583 Engelsdraai No 221 Witdraai No 204 Vaalwater No 84
Current Resource: Exploration Targeted Production: 2500 tons per month
Lithium (Li), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Zinc(Zn) and Sulphides
Situated in the Northern Cape the Kalahari Minerals Prospecting Right covers thirteen farms amounting to an area of 66 107.1283 hectares:
Lower Kuruman NR No 219 Edgehill No 194 Alphen No 442 Mora Schuba No 201 Muthla No 198 Kungkung No 123 Seduall No 124 Boland No 133 Helvetia No 126 Brandziekfontein No 124 No 123(Toekoms) Hartebeestdale No 564 Kogelbeen No 44
Current Resource: Exploration
Target Resource (SAMRAC): Lithium (Li), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Zinc(Zn) and Sulphides
Adistra 11
Iron Ore Exploration
Situated on the Postmasburg - Kalahari iron ore belt, located between Limechem and Postmasburg in the Northern Cape. The prospecting right area’s are situated on the fringes and adjacent to a major export iron ore mine. Adistra has the following prospecting licenses: