Tarkwa / Dompin Alluvial ProjectPhase 1Strata Africa Mining & Exploration Limited recently championed the acquisition of mining and land rights from the Government of Ghana and the local authority (Chieftain) to enable it exploit the alluvial potential of the Tarkwa / WD Concession located off Dompim in the Western Region of Ghana.
Exploration Results A prospecting programme involving pitting was conducted on four properties delineated for this purpose. Both overburden and gravel deposits were tested. Gravimetrie methods were employed in the analysis of samples. Collected data was evaluated by conventional polygonal methods to define both gravel and overburden resource of each property, from which total reserve for all four properties was deducted. Gravel Resource: 204,148 tonnes at a grade of 1,64 g/t. Overburden Resource: 250,700 tonnes of overburden at grade of 1,17 g/t. Overall Resource: 455,000 tonnes at 1,38 g/t. The reserve contains a recoverable gold of 13,124 oz. Phase 2Dompin Large Concession Project
Strata Africa Mining & Exploration Limited acquired rights from the Government of Ghana and the local authority (Chieftain) to enable it develop the alluvial and other potential reserves located off Dompin in the Western Region of Ghana. A prospecting programme involving pitting will be conducted on the property delineated for this purpose. Both overburden and gravel deposits will tested, along with hard rock drilling samples. Gravimetrie methods will be employed in the analysis of samples. Collected data will be evaluated by conventional polygonal methods to define both gravel and overburden resource of the property. Preliminary exploration Results Gravel Resource: 5,204,148 tonnes at a grade of 0,74 g/t. Overburden Resource: 1,410,390 tonnes of overburden at grade of 0,57 g/t. Overall Resource: 6,614,439 tonnes at 0,71 g/t. The reserve contains a recoverable gold of 98,166 oz. Ghana RR and SD ProjectsRe-treatment, Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development Project
Ghana is the second largest gold producer in Africa with eight major mines in production. Ghana has also created a substantial informal or small scale mining industry, which was created to empower the smaller Ghanaian entrepreneurs, but this mining sector has created a huge negative environmental impact which is threatening the safety of the citizens of Ghana. The use of rudimentary and low technology mining methods by untrained small scale miners has resulted in the mineral potential not being properly unlocked and at least 50% of the reserves still remaining in tailing, dumps and destroyed areas. The four (4) main gold belts in Ghana are:
These area's will fall under our proposed Re-treatment, Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development Project. |